Do Ho Suh: Karma

  • A green statue extends upwards. A male stands upright with his arms and clenched fists at his side. His face is covered by another figure's hands as he crouches on his shoulders. This repeats upwards, with figures decreasing in size and covering the eyes of the one before it.

    Do Ho Suh, Karma, 2010 (cast 2017). Bronze and copper-plated steel. On loan from the collection of an anonymous charitable foundation.

    Do Ho Suh’s sculpture Karma (2010) is a 23-foot tower of bronze male figures, each perched atop another’s shoulders and shielding that figure’s eyes with his hands. Suh—who divides his time between Seoul, New York, and London—often creates meditations on coexistence. The sculpture, on loan from an anonymous charitable foundation, is on view in the Oshman Sculpture Court.